Monday, 29 October 2012

Interesting Reading – The Internet: Brave New World?

I have shocked myself with how excited by this module I am. The digital world is something I have always known about but never really thought about!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

If It’s On The Internet It Can’t Hurt Me In Real Life…

There are many myths of the internet but I think the one that is most common and possibly most damaging is the misconception that the online world and the real world are not connected; that what happens in one cannot affect the other.

Monday, 22 October 2012

More Real Than Reality?

What is real is a century-old question, and one that has never been given a defined answer.
Since the introduction of technology capable of imitating and simulating reality the answer to this question has become a much greyer area.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Defined by its creator as; “The transformation of communication media, usually brought about by the complex interplay of perceived needs, competitive and political pressures, and social and technological innovations,” (R. Fidler, Mediamorphosis – Understanding New Media, 1997) Mediamorphosis is more commonly known as the “digital metamorphosis”, this is to explain and estimate the changes of the digital world and its culture.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Difficult First Post

Nearing the end of my first week at the University of Bedfordshire and already knee deep in my first assignment (well, almost.)